Get Involved today! Donate, Fundraising or Volunteering!


At Aiming Higher we have a friendly team of volunteers, if you have some time, we’d love you to join us.

People choose to volunteer for a variety of reasons; for some it offers the chance to give something back to their community or make a difference to the people around them. For others, it provides an opportunity to develop new skills or build on existing experience and knowledge.

At Aiming Higher we have a fabulous team of volunteers. Some of them are parents with a disabled child, some of our volunteers are siblings of disabled children. We also have students from colleges and universities, eager to learn about our services. We welcome volunteers from all walks of life, as long as they are willing to give their time and effort.

Why Volunteer?

Each volunteer brings their own individual and unique skillset to our charity. The talents of these amazing volunteers range enormously but they are equally valuable to the running of our organisation.

So if…

  • You have a compassionate personality
  • You can make a good cup of tea
  • You can contribute within a play session, arts and crafts, dance, music etc.
  • You can help at large events
  • You have good administration/IT skills
  • You have befriending qualities


there is a volunteering opportunity for you here at Aiming Higher!

Please contact the office if you are interested in volunteering or complete this Volunteer Application form.

“I have been volunteering since October 2022 with our under 5s preschool group. It has been an incredible experience throughout and I would like to thank the Aiming Higher team for being so welcoming. Special thanks to Latoya for giving me this opportunity and Ella, for taking me under her wing during the day to day running of the groups. I have learnt so much about this line of work, for which I am incredibly passionate. I have learnt lessons that will stay with me and certainly prove invaluable wherever I use them in the future. Lastly, thank you to the families who have welcomed me into your safe space so warmly. I know as a disabled person myself how daunting it can be to trust new people with your children, all I hope is that I’ve helped one person even half as much as you have all helped me this year.
Thank you, I’ve loved every minute.”

How we work

Get involved!

I’d like to join

For information on the services we can provide you with as a family, young person or carer. Click here.

What we do

I’m a professional

For information on how to refer families to us and how we can support please click here.

Working Together

I’d like to support

If you’re interested in donating, fundraising or sponsoring us then please click here.

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Summer Ideas

Posted on 17th July 2024

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